Policy Statement
Many of the articles on Steam & Engine are written by people other than me. I'm always very grateful to receive new articles for S&E to keep it alive and interesting for the readers. Steam & Engine is basically a magazine run not for profit. The site operates out of Australia and exists under the protection of the laws of the State of Victoria within the Country of Australia. The © Copyright laws of Australia apply to all material on the site. Note that there may from time to time be "mirrors" of Steam & Engine which are physically held outside Australia, this does not change the above statement.
I have a very simple author policy for articles people write for the site, or for people who submit photos and/or other material.
The submitter of the article must either own the © Copyright of the article or be authorised by the © Copyright holder to submit the article for publication or state that the article is from material in the Public Domain.
"article" refers to anything submitted such as text, photos, drawings, etc.
"author" refers to writer, composer, photographer, illustrator, etc.
"submitter" is the person who transmits the article to me.
"author" and "submitter" are normally the same natural person.
"publisher" is Paul Pavlinovich the owner and maintainer of Steam & Engine of Australia.
The author retains full ownership of the article and all rights to the article. The article remains © Copyright to the author. A note within the article (usually at the top) states who created the article and who owns the rights. This note overrides the blanket © Copyright on each page. I usually include the submitters e-mail address but will leave it out on request.
The submitter must give me written permission/license to publish the article on Steam & Engine including any future "conventional" media publication I may create from Steam & Engine material. This license is non-exclusive in that the submitter may publish the article on other sites or conventional print media. Other publishers may have a more restrictive arrangement which would preclude the article from being published on Steam & Engine. In this case the article will be removed at the request of the submitter.
The submitter may if they wish to assign © Copyright to me and grant me an exclusive license to publish. This is strictly voluntary and I advise against doing it.
The submitter may rescind their license at any time and I will remove the article at the request of the submitter unless the submitter granted me exclusive license.
The submitter must clearly state that they own the © copyright of the article or that it is created from materials in the Public Domain.
The submitter is responsible for the quality, accuracy, and fit for purpose of the information within the article.
I do edit submitted articles from time to time mostly for spelling and general arrangement. I try not to alter the meaning of the article.
I request that articles be sent to me via e-mail where possible in plain text format. I will convert the article to HTML and include any pictures sent to me as attachments. I usually edit the pictures to reduce them in data size and sometimes crop or manipulate the image.
I reserve the right to refuse publication or to remove any article from my site at any time for any reason without giving an explanation or making recompense. I make the final choice about any submitted article and may or may not discuss non publication with the submitter.
I attempt to publish the article within the section of the site most appropriate to the article. I may move the article within the site or move the entire section. While I try to keep the URL (universal resource locater) address the same for the article throughout its life sometimes I make changes which affect the URL. I do not guarantee the URL will be the same at all times.
Should a © Copyright dispute arise over an article I will remove the article from the site and this ends my involvement with the dispute. If the dispute is subsequently resolved then I will republish the article.
Should any third party contact me seeking permission to reproduce the article, I will refer them to the submitter. I almost always give permission to copy articles I have created for educational or not for profit use but insist on being asked in writing.
I only publish articles which fit within the theme of the site. Note that many of the readers of Steam & Engine are children. All articles may only contain material suitable for children. I will be the final judge of what is suitable.
All submitters/authors must abide by the above policy including me!